Ayami Nishiori (?cm ?kg)
I do not swear. I use moisturizer for fun. I sit on a barrel-shaped decorative stool when I use my computer. I have used up several notebooks scribbling away. This dress can’t make me look fat.
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A new long-form cognitive function test (256 questions) with domains is available in العربية, English, Español, Français, Italiano, 한국어, 中文. Click here to check it out.

This is not a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. That refers to a trademarked test that this test has nothing to do with, as these questions are my own and calculate type differently. I label what was formerly indicated as such with "Myers letters" to avoid confusion. This test has 96 questions.

Your results will be calculated into a table using four different methods:
The Grant/Brownsword model - though untrue to Grant's definitions for the types and their functions in From Image to Likeness: A Jungian Path in the Gospel Journey and those of Brownsword's in It Takes All Types! and Psychological Type: An Introduction, this test tries to reconcile the type development stack first proposed by Grant with the more Myers-centric (as opposed to Jung-centric) definitions for the functions used by the typology community today.

The axis-based model - this algorithm uses preferences for function axes to arrive at a type, a practice commonly used by magicians and typologists today.

The Myers model - this algorithm stays as true as possible to how Isabel Myers had envisioned function orientations in her types, especially emphasizing the importance of the extraverted functions in determining type. (I may later expand on this in the FAQ.)
The Myers letters - this test also attempts to calculate your '16 personalities' type through a careful examination of each question and how it would correlation with each of the eight preferences; though roundabout and based only on theoretical correlations, it is reasonable to assume that this result will be more accurate than the previously mentioned algorithms in determining your Myers letter type.

You can select five options per question, where the rightmost choice corresponds to "agree" and the leftmost choice corresponds to "disagree." The three options in the middle correspond to only moderate preferences for each side, the middle option being specifically for "no preference for either side." To aid you in remembering this, "agree" and "disagree" have been labeled on their corresponding columns.

Scroll down to view your results after submitting.


You can easily think of something random to say.


You dislike change.


You see so many possibilities that you have trouble committing to a single one.


You relate present experiences back to past experiences.


You greatly value social harmony and often go out of your way to maintain it.


You value inclusion and try your best to involve everyone in a group.


You “just know” things without being able to consciously put them into words.


You place a great amount of trust in the mysterious and unconscious world.


You may be viewed as “meddling” or “controlling” to others.


You are aware of your surroundings and aren’t likely to miss something right in front of you.


You feel as though your insights often go misunderstood.


You feel a strong sense of unity when communicating with others in a group.


Generally, you would prefer a solution be thorough before putting it into action (at the cost of time).


You tend to express sympathy only after you empathize with someone.


You follow a consistent routine.


You have trouble communicating with those who do not think like you.


You often arrive at conclusions that seem to come out of nowhere; you relate to “realizing” answers.


You have an uncanny ability of recognizing others’ needs.


You are an excellent problem solver and have an incredible ability to analyze things in depth.


You see the big picture in a sea of details.


You are fiercely individualistic and pride yourself on your uniqueness.


You are often the first to react to a question.


You take on subjects with a burning interest only to drop them once they no longer feel new to you.


You cannot help but get hung up on small details.


You have trouble communicating your ideas with people.


You are a risk-taker.


You have an eye for aesthetics and “enjoy the finer things in life.”


You are blunt and straight-to-the-point in communication.


You start many different projects, but you finish few.


You have a tendency to go off-topic in conversation.


You like to organize things for pleasure.


You imagine things that aren’t directly connected to the real world.


You exude charisma and are usually viewed as charming by others.


You often use metaphors to communicate new ideas.


You have a strong tendency to see things as either good or bad.


You absorb information from the outside world without additional processing.


You often feel awkward and aimless during leisure time.


You are hesitant to strictly conform to social roles.


You modify internal logical frameworks to account for new data, and you sometimes find yourself re-evaluating them when new data is incompatible with it.


You always try to communicate tactfully with people.


You see the world as a bundle of possibilities waiting to be explored.


You work through problems by yourself and detach yourself from other people to arrive at a conclusion.


You may be viewed as selfish or self-centered.


You would rather sugarcoat a problem than upset someone.


You would do whatever it takes to win a debate.


You consider yourself a practical and realistic person, free from imagination.


You have been consistently logical throughout your life.


You stay true to yourself.


You consider yourself an organized person and take control of situations before they get out of hand.


You rely on external sources to support your argument.


You constantly set yourself on goals and objectives.


You may be viewed as whiny and/or depressive.


You trust hard facts and data more than anything else.


You are drawn toward the abstract and often obsess over meanings.


You are able to manipulate conversations by reading others’ body language.


You easily sympathize with others’ struggles.


You feel as though you are one of the only truly nice people left in this world.


You believe your presence is greatly felt in a room.


You are unnerved by uncertainty and the unknown.


You are described as “stuck in your ways.”


You are skilled at recognizing whether the details in front of you match what you are used to.


You find yourself agreeing with those who claim that the ends justify the means.


You become upset when your care for others goes unappreciated.


You are attracted to symbolism, mysticism and the unknown.


You live in the present, not the past or the future.


You rely only on past experiences to guide yourself through the present.


You find it difficult to concentrate on a single subject.


You value truth and logic more than anything else.


Fake people bother you.


You prefer living in your dreams to living in the real world.


You are a brainstormer: you offer a multitude of different ideas in a given situation.


You understand a concept by logically recognizing and drawing patterns between different, already known concepts.


You thrive on new and exciting experiences.


You become stubborn and resolute in the face of opposition when it comes to your personal beliefs.


You would question anything.


You have a strict internal moral code that comes from within regardless of any external standards.


You streamline existing systems for the sake of efficiency and productivity.


You may be described as ditzy or scatterbrained.


You explore things in depth for purely for the sake of exploring them in depth.


You come up with internal logical frameworks, theories, and systems to describe the world around you.


You easily recognize internal bodily sensations and act to suit your body’s needs.


You place a lot of value on details and past experiences.


You generally work through problems with others and involve yourself with other people to arrive at a conclusion.


You have an excellent sense of direction and instantly know your way around a new place.


You sometimes fail to adapt to new data because it is not consistent with your personal understanding of an idea.


You are drawn to the new, novel, and original.


You greatly value tradition and duty.


You may be viewed as “fake” or “manipulative” to others.


You often use analogies and similes to communicate new ideas.


You try to help people to the point where you begin to forget taking care of your own needs.


You live in the “here and now.”


You may be seen as reckless and unknowingly hurt those around you.


You express yourself honestly and authentically.


You are extremely objective and “tell it as it is.”


You believe that arriving at a truth is more important than winning an argument.


You frequently have hunches or insights about the future that turn out to be correct.

The following questions are optional, but recommended. Please answer truthfully.

You consent to me using your answers for data analysis:



What Myers-Briggs type do you most identify with?

What Enneagram type do you most identify with?