Etsuko Makazukuro (?cm ?kg)
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Sakinorva Cognitive Function Domain Test

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Translators needed! You can help contribute translations by e-mailing [email protected].

This test is not intended for beginners, but for veterans and enthusiasts who are interested in the "meta-typology" behind the cognitive functions or are may prefer something (even) more technical.

Though unintuitive, beginners may have an easier time answering the questions in this test than the Cognitive Function Test. However, because many terms used in the results aren't used anywhere, it's likely that you will have a hard time understanding what your results mean. If you are a beginner taking this test, please ask someone familiar with the cognitive functions to help you interpret your results if you feel lost.

This website will forever maintain the position that there is no such thing as the cognitive functions, but in light of the fact that people like to relate to the traits and descriptors found in theories related to the "cognitive functions," this test was made to sort those theories out more robustly, combining similar ideas of how to classify each of the functions into domains. This test will assess the strength of your functions in its various different interpretations (domains) and then contrive them (pigeonholing) into different types according to different algorithms. A non-pigeonholed type will also be included with your results.

Information about the test and its results are detailed at the bottom of the page.

It is possible to fail this test. While this test does not necessarily aim to punish function magicians, penalties will be incurred for answering questions too magically. The higher your magic level is, the more uncertain your results become. Because magic is cruel, pervasive, and unfair in the world of the cognitive functions, certain types will simply be harder to score on this test.

You can select five options per question, where the rightmost choice corresponds to "agree" and the leftmost choice corresponds to "disagree." The three options in the middle correspond to only moderate preferences for each side, the middle option being specifically for "no preference for either side." To aid you in remembering this, "agree" (yes) and "disagree" (no) have been labeled on their corresponding columns.

This test has 256 questions.
Because this test is long, you have the option to save your results as a cookie above the questions. You can come back anytime to resume taking the test as long as this cookie is retained on your device. Make sure cookies are enabled!

Scroll down to view your results after submitting.


You lead with a vision and use it to guide you in your cause.


You have an intense stare that makes people feel as though you are seeing right through them.


You find that your insights are often prophetic.


You think that there's still a lot left to explore.


You like bouncing your ideas off of other people to see where they lead.


You tend to find it difficult to relate to people who don't share your values.


You naturally tend to keep yourself busy with physical activity.


You tend to run from your problems by engaging with physical distractions.


You see life as a bundle of exciting experiences waiting to be lived.


You believe it is important to encourage people to think outside of the box.


You tend to be meddling or manipulative in quarrels or disputes.


You wish people would help and rely on each other more.


You tend to focus on what something can potentially become rather than on what it is.


You easily take on risky or unstable situations.


You are good at taking care of people.


You can easily manipulate others using your body language.


You can't help but feel like things will simply work out one way or another.


You tend to be interested in how things work on the inside.


You often have flights of fancy, getting carried away by your ideas.


You are generally attuned to how people feel and why they feel that way.


You wish that people stopped to think more often.


You naturally take up leadership roles or positions of power and succeed in them.


You wish people would be nicer to each other.


You are good at recognizing obstacles in existing systems and know how to deal with them.


You believe you need a select few people whom you truly care about to be fulfilled in your relationships.


You tend to easily get stuck in the past.


You have strong ideas about exactly what role everyone plays in the world.


You often get too invested in the emotional troubles of others.


You can immediately adapt to high-pressure situations and succeed in them.


You tend to avoid what you feel you wouldn't like based on other similar experiences.


You believe it is important for people to be kind to each other and treat each other with respect.


You tend to be uncompromising in your beliefs and hold steadfast in the face of others.


You enchant other people with your abstract vision.


You generally care about what other people think.


You tend to be result-oriented, prioritizing the end result over the process.


You like exposing yourself to new perspectives and ideas.


You have trouble naturally relying on others for help in making decisions.


You deal with criticism well.


You are often resistant to change.


You tend to find living in your dreams as more preferable to living in the real world.


You tend to harbor grudges and feelings of resentment.


You aim to achieve complete mastery in the fields you are interested in and are well on your way to do so.


You are good at applying the scientific method.


You see the world as fundamentally chaotic, something you must find stable refuge in.


You tend to get into arguments with others over disagreements.


You don't relate much with those who refuse to think through problems carefully.


You believe in giving and offering assistance whenever you can.


You see the big picture in a sea of details.


You don't believe in rocking the boat.


You are seeking a greater purpose.


You often feel alienated from the world around you.


You tend to stick with the things you're familiar with when making decisions.


You know how to navigate through emotionally tense situations.


You can easily think of something random to say.


You often get into disputes because people can't match with your physical energy.


You can completely disassociate yourself from feelings or biases in your thinking.


You think that things only change for you when you set out to change them.


You have trouble being decisive when coming to a conclusion.


You are good at staying positive and see the bright side of things.


You tend to easily lose your trust in others.


You have no reservations about telling other people what to do.


You are naturally inclined to make sure systems are running in order.


You are prone to developing categorical thinking.


You are attracted to things and experiences that pose a danger to you.


You believe everyone has the potential to be of good moral character.


You thrive on new and exciting experiences.


You often get worried over trivial things.


You tend to have trouble committing to your ideas all the way through.


You are good at long-term thinking and planning.


You tend to have trouble adapting to new data because it contradicts your personal understanding of a concept.


You are often aware of how other people are feeling.


You tend to focus on your own feelings and needs first, sometimes appearing selfish.


You are good at recognizing what others need.


You usually have trouble focusing on a single idea.


You understand most people better than they do themselves.


You are a deep thinker and often find that others rarely think as deeply as you.


You place a lot of value in people's individuality.


You generally try to connect with people emotionally in conversation.


You often feel that you can be too eager or rash when engaging with others.


You are often quick to judge things.


You have a good sense of memory, keeping track of even small details.


You often have trouble sitting still, disengaged from any activities.


You want people to show appreciation for what you do for them deep down.


You tend to have trouble with understanding others' boundaries.


You often find that your ideas emerge from within, as though they were being supplied by a well.


You often dissolve into the emotional atmosphere, seeking emotional harmony with others.


You wish people were able to take criticism without you having to worry about emotionally adjusting yourself to match them.


You believe being a good friend means being upfront and realistic in your relationship.


You often use metaphors to understand and communicate ideas.


You are process-oriented, prioritizing the process over the end result.


You often pay close attention to small details.


You are good at judging behavior in emotionally difficult or ambiguous situations.


You are often most entertained by the recesses of your own mind.


You have trouble understanding how you arrive at the ideas that you do.


You tend to come up with ideas that are truly unique, free from worldly association.


You think that there is a lot left for you to learn.


You are good at understanding people, feeling that you have a good grasp on who they fundamentally are.


You think there is a lot to appreciate about the process of innovation.


You are often quick to decide other people's needs for them.


You tend to be straight-to-the-point when communicating with others.


You like standing up to difficult challenges and believe in dealing with the stress that comes with it.


You know exactly how to break someone.


You often wonder if the world will catch up to your thinking someday.


You are good at making difficult decisions and standing by them.


You don't care what people think about you.


You often streamline processes to make them more efficient.


You believe in accepting your own position and what you have.


You often have trouble making decisions because there are too many choices to choose from.


You wish people better understood how their behavior affects others.


You tend to be too forgiving or lenient with others.


You do not care about winning in arguments.


You believe fostering the ability to learn is one of the most important things in life.


You don't understand or may not relate to people who cling to their old beliefs.


You tend to value productivity and make sure time is being used efficiently.


You tend to speculate the potential ideas can offer.


You tend to be moody, driven strongly by how you feel inside.


You are good at navigating through interpersonal conflicts.


You often feel that you are fundamentally bored with the mundane world.


You tend to prioritize using empirical data to shape your decisions in your everyday life.


You enjoy carefully deconstructing the logic behind concepts.


You tend to do avoid anything that seems too risky.


You don't care what people call you as long as you continue fighting for what's right.


You transform yourself or your thinking to suit the situation.


You tend to be empathetic and find it easy to talk to people about their personal feelings, values, and beliefs.


You would question anything.


You are good at seizing good opportunities when they come.


You are self-aware, aware of your shortcomings, biases, and flaws.


You often comfort yourself with pleasant impressions and can dissolve yourself into them.


You are naturally a non-conformist.


You naturally maintain your integrity.


You think the world is fundamentally simple.


You tend to feel aimless and lost when you have leisure time.


You are interested in ideas such as the meaning of the life and the universe.


You long to adventure in places and fields unknown.


You are good at managing activities to accomplish set goals.


You are good at naturally challenging yourself and keeping yourself intellectually stimulated.


You often have moments where everything subconsiously comes together in your head: "aha!"


You are a good judge of character.


You have strong convictions about what an ideal world would look like.


You don't relate well with those who leisurely make their way through life.


You are good at working out the soundness of logical arguments.


You are in tune with how different ideas interact and connect with one another.


You tend to be business-like in conversation.


You are good with directions, even in places you haven't been before.


You often don't think things through before going into action.


You tend to act as a nurturer, naturally moving to support others.


Your ideas feel less like elaborate plans, but more like suggestions worthy of consideration.


You find it easy to teach yourself new things.


You believe the world is ruled by the law of the jungle, that the strong prey on the weak.


You tend to have trouble when it comes to improvising.


You are prone to developing tunnel vision about the ideas you believe in.


You like having silly conversations where you discuss ideas with no real intention of carrying them out.


You are often overwhelmed by how much there is to experience in the world around you.


You have a good sense of aesthetics, well aware of how things interact with the senses.


You live in the present, not in the past or future.


You believe it is important to engage with philosophy.


You don't relate much with those who are disagreeable and closed-off.


You tend to see people's experiences as unique and worthy of honor and respect.


You can start a conversation about just about anything.


You often become perfectionistic about your ideas and can have unrealistic expectations about them.


You have been consistently logical throughout your life.


You are good at generating excitement in a group.


You wish people were more honest with themselves about what they need.


You harbor a strong sense of identity.


You believe in chasing after what makes you happy, not what others say will make you happy.


You tend to drop old ideas easily once the novelty wears off.


You have a personal sense of duty that you stand by.


You have fast reflexes or react quickly to sudden events.


You tend to take things as they are, not forming preconceptions about them.


You often find that your insights go misunderstood.


You tend to communicate harshly or bluntly with others.


You feel like you force your excitement and enthusiasm onto others.


You think the world is generally too focused on delivering results.


You have a lot of patience for problem solving in depth.


You would try anything once.


You have no trouble syncretizing different ideas together.


You believe it is worth engaging with unrealistic or impractical ideas.


You harbor passion and creativity, easily expressing your feelings in the form of art.


You can put ideas together in ways that are new and unique.


You tend to know exactly what you like and dislike, finding it difficult to go against how you feel.


You believe people could generally do more to be better people.


You place a lot of value on trying new things.


You try your best to bring out the good in others.


You can sit with ideas and develop them for long periods of time with ease.


You often get frustrated when things don't match up with how you're used to them.


You are good at recognizing how the things in a physical space match up with how you're used to them.


You can easily synthesize disparate, complex ideas into a coherent whole.


You tend to prefer working through problems on your own.


You do not fail to notice how much there is to experience no matter where you are.


You have photographic memory.


You wish people were more willing to understand each other.


You are prone to overthinking.


You are easily able to think realistically, free from imagination.


You are a trendsetter, associating yourself with the cutting edge.


You tend to value authenticity, honesty, and honor in others.


You often say things without thinking.


You don't relate with those who are always looking to change things up.


You don't relate much with those who spend a lot of time in their own heads.


You tend to pay attention to how systems in the world work and diagnose how they run.


You have ideas that could never express themselves in art.


You are in tune with your body and are naturally good at taking care of it.


You tend to be inflexible about your plans and ideas.


You are good at noticing how small things contribute to an overall impression.


You tend to simply do things by the book, choosing not to be adventurous.


You see the world as a bundle of possibilities waiting to be explored.


You feel small in a big world.


You tend to easily be enchanted by new ideas.


You believe the world is a dangerous place that you must seek a safe place in.


You move with confidence, expressing yourself physically with ease.


You tend to be restless and enjoy planning things out for yourself.


You tend to find it difficult to focus on yourself and your own emotional needs.


You naturally organize things and put things into order.


You have a tendency to define your worth by your ability to be of service to others.


You usually feel as though there are a lot of ways to look at something.


You are good at managing your relationships.


You tend to be controlling or bossy with others.


You easily understand the emotional motivations of others.


You believe that the ends justify the means.


You are in tune with logical inconsistencies and fallacies.


You tend to be difficult to reason with in emotionally sensitive situations.


You can be charming and win the favor of others when needed.


You tend to distrust the motives of others.


You enjoy making your presence known.


You tend to intuitively understand how an idea concludes before you've worked out all the details.


You often try to follow well-established rules or customs in your daily life.


You are good at brainstorming ideas.


Your thinking often feels idiosyncratic.


You often hurt people without realizing it.


You tend to lead with your heart, showing compassion and love for others.


You are generally attuned to what it means and takes to be of good moral character.


You find it easy to be honest.


You have good emotional awareness and do not encroach on people's boundaries.


You know what it would take to make the world run better.


You often seek out experiences that make you feel comfortable and at ease.


You place a lot of emphasis on taking care of yourself.


You tend to stick to a routine.


You try to stay impartial and unbiased when dealing with problems.


You wish more people would just let loose and enjoy the moment.


You like helping other people sort their messes out.


You tend to be overly critical about small logical errors.


You tend to ignore information that doesn't make sense to you.


You tend to forgive the rougher people in your life for acting the way they do.


You tend to lack certainty in your own logical conclusions.


You are attuned to how things in the physical world interact with one another.


You associate having fun with being experimental and trying out new things.


You are the life of the party.


Your feelings tend to run deep inside and are strongest within you: "still waters run deep"


You often have trouble getting people to go along with your vision, even when you have it all figured out.


You naturally find problems in systems and are good at troubleshooting them.


You tend to pursue knowledge only for its own sake.


You feel that you don't need a lot to be happy.


You believe it is generally important to take your time to work through problems, even if you may suffer consequences for doing so.


You readily categorize things for the sake of efficiency.


You tend to pay a lot of attention to the physical world around you.


You place a lot of value on your traditions and customs.


You often understand concepts without being able to put them into words.

The following questions are optional, but recommended. Please answer truthfully.

You consent to me using your answers for data analysis:



What Myers-Briggs type do you most identify with?

What Enneagram type do you most identify with?

How familiar are you with the cognitive functions?

The cognitive functions are not a singular, unified theory, but rather an umbrella term to describe archetypes (the sixteen personality types) that are generally cleverly broken down into designated pieces (the eight cognitive functions) that maintain some consistency in definition across the sixteen archetypes. The cognitive functions tend to fail when possibly its most central tenet is called into question--that the eight functions are themselves standalone concepts that are used to make up the sixteen types.

The second most central tenet addressed by the test is that which posits that the cognitive functions "exist" in the mind, following a particular "stack." This test uses various formulae and algorithms to interpret the raw results, some of which follow particular stacks, and some which do not. You are free to interpret your raw results however you want, but no particular algorithm is recommended by this test. It is's humble claim that there is no such thing as the cognitive functions (what?), and that there is therefore no such thing as a cognitive function stack that you use.

As most personality typology hobbyists use them, there is nothing conceptually significant about the cognitive functions. They can mean anything depending on who you ask.

This test attempts to make the cognitive functions more rigorous by splitting the functions into four domains.

The first two domains are the latent and active domains. These can be grouped together as the pure domains. They directly relate to the functions demonstrated by any particular cognitive function. These domains may be more popular among people who don't believe the functions relate to the realized personality, but instead how the brain works. They are referred to the pure domains here because they represent what may be understood as the pure form of the cognitive functions.

The latent domain is about mental activity and mental preferences. The questions here will relate to how you think on the inside and the tendencies you develop.

The active domain is about interaction with the world around you. The questions here will relate to how you communicate, mediate, and generally deal with the world around you.

It might be tempting to understand the latent domain as the introverted form of a function and the active domain as its extraverted form, but the questions do not neatly separate these two categories along these lines, even if there is a good amount of overlap. The latent domain is more about mental habits, preferences, and inclinations, some of which can relate to the world around you. The active domain adds the world as context.

The second two domains are the aptitudinal and valuing domains. These can be grouped together as the materialized domains. They relate to your personality as would be related to the cognitive functions. These domains might be more popular among people who like to theorize what cognitive functions can look like in a person. Beginners may find these questions easier to answer, as they do not often require being familiar with the terminology used in the world of personality typology. Purists are likely to dislike these questions because other functions can still produce the traits and values found in these domains (I'm guessing according to them).

The aptitudinal domain is about your skills. These skills are related here to the cognitive functions. Purists wouldn't like this domain because the cognitive functions are not about what you are good at doing, but what you are inclined to do. Purists might not realize that aptitude is generally indirectly coded into most descriptions of the cognitive functions regardless.

The valuing domain is about your values and opinions. These values are related here to the cognitive functions. Purists wouldn't like this domain because your values relate to personality, not the cognitive functions. Purists might not realize that most descriptions of the cognitive functions blur these lines.

There isn't much else to say about the domains here, so let's continue onto what the results mean.

This test measures a magic level. Your magic level is indicative of how magical your results are. Unfortunately for the magicians taking this test, a high magic level is undesirable. The higher your magic level is, the less likely this test is going to be helpful to you as a personality typology hobbyist.

Your magic level will coincide with peculiar, unusual, or unrealistic responses to the questions. It is's attempt to bring you back down to Earth. If you are a beginner generally unfamiliar with the cognitive functions, you are less likely to have any issues with your magic level. It is you veterans who take the Grant/Brownsword function test on a monthly basis who may need to worry. If you answer carefully and try your best to stay grounded, you will be able to pass. I believe in you!

Your magic level begins at 0. If it crosses over 24, you fail the test. You can still see your results, of course, but your result palette will be shaded red. Welcome to results hell.

The cognitive functions won't be explained in depth here, as maintains that there is no one way to define them. The test defines them by its questions. If you have trouble identifying which questions correspond to which functions, ask a friend.

However, I will provide commentary on the specific function domains and go over how they are generally defined by the test. These are not exact definitions (that would simply be the totality of the questions) but instead generally how the domains are envisioned.

Extraverted intuition

  • Latent: These questions are about your attitude toward ideas. If you score high here, you likely are imaginative, creative, and love new things. You're always chasing after the next big thing!

  • Active: If you score high here, you're optimistic, fun-loving, open-minded, and excitable. You are probably silly and like to have a good time.

  • Aptitudinal: If you score high here, you are good at working with ideas and are good at pattern recognition. You have an active imagination and naturally stay positive. You're likely always looking forward!

  • Valuing: if you score high here, you're probably adventurous, daring, curious, and like thinking big. You're flexible in your thinking and believe the world has a lot to offer!

Introverted intuition
  • Latent: If you score high here, you feel comfortable in your mind and have explored it thoroughly. You are deeply introspective and have found a world to explore of your own!

  • Active: If you score high here, you are insightful, serious, and ingenious. You are a visionary and seek something larger than you.

  • Aptitudinal: If you score high here, you're patient and a deep thinker. You are adaptable, future-oriented, and emergent in your thinking!

  • Valuing: If you score high here, you're interested in the unknown and care about exploring beyond the physical world.

Extraverted sensing
  • Latent: If you score high here, you're well connected with the physical world and live in the present. You're active, present, and responsive!

  • Active: If you score high here, you're energetic, fast-paced, and seek the spotlight. You're full of life and vigor!

  • Aptitudinal: If you score high here, you have good spatial awareness and naturally know what to do in your environment. You shape the world! I tried writing some questions here to complement well with Socionics-styled Ni & Se (time and force). There's no reason why it wouldn't work in the context of the cognitive functions.

  • Valuing: If you score high here, you live on new and exciting experiences. You have good awareness of power dynamics and know how to live life.

Introverted sensing
  • Latent: If you score high here, you seek comfort, protection, safety, and stability. You know how to make your way through life!

  • Active: If you score high here, you like following tried and tested rules. There is also a tinge of Jungian Si in here relating to how you may seek comfort in a subjective, sensory manner.

  • Aptitudinal: The Si aptitude questions might be unusual to most people. The issue with Si and faculty is that it doesn't extend past memory-related skills or conscientiousness in most people's conception of this function. With inspiration from Jung's introverted sensing type, Si skills here also focus on aesthetics, sensory impressions and body awareness.

  • Valuing: Some questions here, like the Se aptitude questions for Ni, are made to complement Ne by drawing from the "big world" worldview and instead focusing on how somebody who instead values introversion and sensing would interpret it. The rest of the questions are generally about valuing the familiar and the safe.

Extraverted thinking
  • Latent: If you score high here, you naturally keep busy, like to work, and stay productive whenever possible. You're a busy bee!

  • Active: If you score high here, you have a strong will and can come off strong to others. You're also good at making sure things are working and delivering results. You keep things flowing!

  • Aptitudinal: If you score high here, you know how to get things done, and you do them efficiently. You easily take on leadership or managerial roles and know how to hit goals.

  • Valuing: If you score high here, you are naturally inclined toward positions of power and know how to work such roles without getting wrapped up in distractions. You're focused, serious, and know what to do when faced with difficult decisions. You're a boss/girlboss!

Introverted thinking
  • Latent: If you score high here, you are in tune with your own logic and seek to hone it. You're a careful decision maker and take your time to get things right!

  • Active: If you score high here, you like to work through things on your own, dealing with them in your own way. You know how to stay unbiased and like to deconstruct your thinking.

  • Aptitudinal: If you score high here, you love to work through challenges, having the knowledge and patience to become a master in your craft.

  • Valuing: If you score high here, you greatly value learning, education, and personal intellectual growth. You are a natural intellectual!

Extraverted feeling
  • Latent: If you score high here, you are strongly aware of your emotional environment and seek to maintain your harmony with it.

  • Active: If you score high here, you care deeply about the people around and readily express your care. You are a natural caregiver!

  • Aptitudinal: If you score high here, you are strongly aware of people's needs and know how to help them! You are an excellent relationship mediator and know how to navigate the relationships in your life.

  • Value: If you score high here, you are caring, giving, forgiving, and believe in the good of others. You want to make the world a nicer place!

Introverted feeling
  • Latent: If you score high here, you are attuned to yourself and your identity. You harbor deep feelings about the world around you, especially regarding your relationships with people.

  • Active: If you score high here, you are empathetic and see the humanity in the people around you. You honor and respect people's experiences.

  • Aptitudinal: If you score high here, you are self-aware, authentic, and have a strong moral compass.

  • Valuing: If you score high here, you fight for what you personally believe is right. You value honesty, individuality, and make your way through the world in a way unique to you. You want the world to be a better place!

Positivity is associated with how the behavior in the questions are described. If the description is negative, you will score negative points for agreeing and positive points for disagreeing. If the description is positive, you will score no points for agreeing or disagreeing. The positivity indicator aggregates all these responses. This test refrains from using the words healthy and unhealthy to describe these tendencies because those words are unnecessarily charged.

There are several different algorithms used to try and put these functions into neat archetypes.

The first thing you might see in your results is a loop and grip indicator. It's considerably hard to score a loop/grip discovery, so it's not likely that you will see this, but if you do:
Loops and grips are a theory about how unhealthy behavior can manifest in type. The theory likely originated from a post on Personality Cafe comparing personality disorders to loops, but I am to this day unsure exactly where they came from. If you score a loop or grip discovery, your top two functions fit a particular configuration congruent with the patterns seen in loops and grips, and they both happen to be considerably negative.

The first result is the Grant/Brownsword algorithm. This is the same formula used in the Grant/Brownsword function test. This finds the best fit among the sixteen types using a formula that places the most importance on the dominant and auxiliary functions and sees the inferior function as underdeveloped. This formula uses the IEIE/EIEI stack and uses one of the oldest sources (is there an older one?) of this postulated stack. Underneath your best fit type, you may see other types listed to consider. These are all types whose scores are at least 75% as high as your best fit type.

This method was originally designed to bring awareness to the fact that the only accepted function stack at the time (it very likely still is today -- I simply do not keep up) was still only one conception of what a cognitive function type could look like. Grant and Brownsword's names are used as they are among the earliest users of the famous alternating stack, borrowed from reckful's research on Typology Central.

The second result is the axis-based function type. This is not a formula, but an algorithm that narrows down to your type using the two axes (Ne/Si and Se/Ni) and compares dominant functions. If your results are undifferentiated along these axes or do not indicate dominant functions, it is likely to fail and will show you only the letters it has been able to determine.

This method was designed for people who like to talk about Ne/Si and Se/Ni users and the differences between their thinking styles. This designation is especially useful to function magicians who strongly believe in the coolsexy axis.

The third result is the Myers function type. This is also an algorithm-based approach to resolving type. While Myers never really substantiated a particular function stack, she seemed to demonstrate ambitions of synthesizing her MBTI with the Jungian psychological types. This algorithm determines your type by checking where you fall on each of the different four letter axes based on the strength of your functions associated with either type. It does not use a stack, though the MBTI Manual includes an IEEE/EIII stack in a somewhat Jungian fashion (EI/IE stack).

This method was originally made to demonstrate that type can be resolved without using the famous alternating stack. It marries Myers' letters with the functions that she abandoned.

The fourth result is the purist's formula. This formula uses the Grant/Brownsword formula but ignores the materialized domains. Only your latent and active domains are factored into this result. Like the Grant/Brownsword formula, all types with scores that were at least 75% of your best type are also listed.

This formula exists for steadfast magicians. No further comment.

The fifth result is the magician's choice. Hocus pocus! This formula is sure to win the favor of those who toiled hard to keep their magic levels low for this test. This magician's choice is fair and made with deep consideration. All types with scores that were at least 80% of your best fit type are also included.

The sixth result is the strawberry formula. It is a relic from the days I used to practice magic. This formula is more behavior-oriented and tries to be as unmagical as it can be. It is used as the basis of the function diagram you see on top of your results. All types with scores that were at least 75% of your best type are listed below your best fit type.

The last thing you'll see is a list of all your functions listed from greatest to least. This is your true stack, pure and undisturbed. This itself should be interpreted as a type, but unfortunately, no one will read it as one.