Etsuko Makazukuro (?cm ?kg)
I do not swear. I use moisturizer for fun. I sit on a barrel-shaped decorative stool when I use my computer. I have used up several notebooks scribbling away. This dress can’t make me look fat.
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new yorktokyo


I have a question about your test.

  • See here. The comment form exists because I get too many responses to keep up with them. I last updated that page 2... years ago, so you might be waiting a while. E-mail me at [email protected] if it’s something urgent! Update: I’m managing questions about the domains test via the comment form. Anything serious enough will get an answer. Check the question time page to see if your question has been answered.

Can you please translate this page into my language?
  • Unfortunately, I have to wait for a translator to help me do that. Anyone can volunteer!

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  • Please make sure that your message sent properly!