Sariya (?cm ?kg)
I remember things by the number of letters they have. My favorite books are dictionaries. I avoid the sun altogether. I love maritime vocabulary, calligraphy, and dancing. I hate fountain pens and haircare. My head hurts.
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new yorktokyo

aditi anand
2024/01/19 (Fri) 02:32a.m. EST

having a penpal sounds very cool, anyone up for it?

2024/01/25 (Thu) 02:21a.m. EST

yup i volunteer ★★★

2024/01/25 (Thu) 07:55p.m. EST


having a penpal sounds very cool, anyone up for it?

so are you indian? <3

aditi anand
2024/06/02 (Sun) 02:38a.m. EDT

i am wbu????

aditi anand
2024/06/02 (Sun) 02:39a.m. EDT

omg im so sorry for not giving you a reply, i wrote this and completely forgot about it thinking i wouldn't get any revert backs :')

2024/06/11 (Tue) 07:28p.m. EDT

I cast no stone and make no bread.
The son of something, I am what I am.

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