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Etsuko Makazukuro (?cm ?kg)
I believe profile blurbs should list trivial facts about you that happen to be unique. I think profile blurbs should be about five to six sentences long. I believe profile blurbs shouldn’t talk about your personal opinions too much. I believe some rules can be broken for the sake of humor.
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local time

new yorktokyo

2023/10/01 (Sun) 01:15p.m. EDT

i tried mow’s azuki ice cream and it was delicious! highly recommend.



2023/12/17 (Sun) 10:46a.m. EST


2024/01/25 (Thu) 08:00p.m. EST

whenever i go to an icecream store, i always go for the chocolate flavored one bc its my all time fav flavor and its available in so many variants 🤗

2024/07/31 (Wed) 05:59p.m. EDT

Omg I tried a new one too! But I found someone tooth in it, and I'm sure it's not mine. Also an eyelash. Short and blonde, not mine too.
it still was tasty tho

2024/07/31 (Wed) 06:01p.m. EDT

Pepe the frog </3

2024/07/31 (Wed) 06:01p.m. EDT

Pepe the frog </3

2024/07/31 (Wed) 06:01p.m. EDT

Pepe the frog </3

2024/07/31 (Wed) 06:02p.m. EDT


72, 128, 0, 1)'>Pepe the frog </3

U said that twice

2024/07/31 (Wed) 06:02p.m. EDT

Oh sorry</3

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