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Etsuko Makazukuro (?cm ?kg)
I believe profile blurbs should list trivial facts about you that happen to be unique. I think profile blurbs should be about five to six sentences long. I believe profile blurbs shouldn’t talk about your personal opinions too much. I believe some rules can be broken for the sake of humor.
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local time

new yorktokyo

2024/10/31 (Thu) 02:38p.m. EDT

第七谐波的和声色彩被认为是蔚蓝(azure)色的,记号简称为zo(azure overtone)这一系列的音是我最热爱的声音之一。它独特的优雅,婉转,忧郁,如水一般清凉,令人着迷。使用这类音的代表就是蓝调(blues)音乐中常见的蓝音(blue note),它们的实际音值几乎全与第七谐波密切相关。在理发师四重唱(barbershop quartet)这种以和声效果为重的蓝调相关的音乐里,总是能听到它绚丽的登场。正是这些微妙的音符,给歌声染上了夕阳般惆怅失落而宁静释然的微妙感受。

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