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File: 1518154226925.png -(320617 B, 367x559) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
320617 No.1   [Reply]

Hello. I wanted to tell you that the reviewer below who declared Mud (2012) to be the best film of all time is wrong. The best film of all time is in fact Last Cannibal World (1977). Last Cannibal World (1977) features the essential "5 E's" of storytelling as defined by veteran filmmaker and university professor Ziad Hamzeh: environment (unexplored jungles of southeast Asia), economy (food; the natives are so starved that they resort to cannibalism; the protagonist finds himself starving later on), engulfing need (the protagonist's sole desire is simple: ESCAPE), exigency (if he doesn't escape soon he'll get eaten), and execution (he succeeds in his goal of escaping). Yes, I just spoiled the ending in that parenthetical, but that doesn't matter because you have surely already seen this film if you have a modicum of culture. This evidence proves that Last Cannibal World (1977) is the greatest film of all time while Mud (2012) is not.

>> No.2  

this is an excellent post i would like to direct Mud Fan here for guidance and prayers

>> No.3  


>> No.4  

>>3 hello DICK

File: 1517373205816.png -(896245 B, 788x1068) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
896245 No.1   [Reply]

this is my facvoite penguin

File: 1517251780797.png -(196938 B, 509x271) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
196938 No.1   [Reply]

hello friends, i just wanted to tell you guys about my favorite movie, mud (2012). with movie night fastly approaching with your family whate betrer movie to watch than Mud (2012). the cast is colorful, the music is great, and a sun-kissed Matthew McConaughey steals the show with an academy nominated performance as Mud; an island vagrant with a heart of gold. this is a delightful coming of age story about growing up....but not growing old. and despite the title, this is nothing but clean fun that the whole family can enjoy! i love it. you're gonna love it. your family will love it. Mud (2012) out now on DVD!

>> No.2  

i have done a critical analysis of this movie and as a certified rotten tomatoes super reviewer i can say this movie was not anything like Mud Fan described it to be. this movie is 100% nasty beetles. it gave me flashbacks to when i had malaria. it was that bad. as a super reviewer i would like to retract Mud Fan's endorsement of this movie.

>> No.3  

also you used a semicolon worng

File: 1517161915523.jpg -(389178 B, 700x700) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
389178 No.1   [Reply]

https://global.rakuten.com/en/store/komiyakasa/item/10000121/ remember what your umbrella is for

No.1   [Reply]

i have used stephen hearts name to make terrible youtube comments that, while not entirely inaccurate, do not reflect the views and politics of Stephen Hearts(tm). Please check out his really nice website that i unfairly maligned at Stephenhearts.com thank you so much and stephen? i'm really sorry i said really mean things to you

>> No.2  

this is fake

No.1   [Reply]

hello this is stepehn hearts and i owuld like to share this video with everyone today. it made me cry a lot :(
also please follow my instagram

>> No.2  

i had to do that because i do not have a blogger

>> No.3  

this ivdo did make me cry because of bullying

No.1   [Reply]

hey guys there's a really weird person on youtube who's using my name to make inappropriate comments on videos watch your backs everyone be safe browse responsibly

>> No.2  

i am lied to on a daily basis. we speak of world peace and curing diseases but what about the HORRIBLENESS OF HUAMN LIES

File: 1517099785608.jpg -(116564 B, 750x750) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
116564 No.1   [Reply]

have you ever heard of umbrellas

>> No.2  

i want the blue one

>> No.3  

thank you

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