de Kooning was described with a certain magnitude of intellectual capacity, sentimentality, disregard for criticism, and preference for experimentality, and akin to many other artists he was involved with, had a mercurial relationship with his personality. He was however, described more so as a charismatic artist with the "determination to achieve," being a painter who only sought to secure a living and lead an exciting life. His strong work ethic was also something people have noted, and coupling with his sense of determination and will to succeed, it may even amount to him showing a definite judging side. But he's inconsistent--he declined a salaried job in Philadelphia, commenting that he'd rather be poor in New York than rich in Philadelphia, signifying that it may have been a lesser concern to him than many have perceived. "I don't paint to live, I live to paint." I see him being a perceiver over judging, but his judging preference was undoubtedly stronger than many other names he had worked with and befriended. Was he possibly an INFP 4w3? |