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Rowe Enneagram Test

This test is designed to score your results for the following 306 items, the first 27 of which scoring how closely you identify with a set of limiting subconscious beliefs for each Enneagram type (3 randomly chosen for each type), the next 27 of which scoring how closely you identify with a set of coping strategies employed as a result of having these subconscious beliefs (again, a random 3 of each type), the next 90 of which scoring you along a set of natural gifts and talents for each type (10 of each) and the last 162 of which scoring you along the three subtype descriptions for the nine types with 6 items chosen for each subtype: 3 positive items and 3 negative items. Because there are 846 items stored in the database, you will receive a random 306 of those 846 items whenever you take this test; your results are therefore subject to change upon a retest.

You can select five options per question, where the leftmost choice corresponds to "disagree/no" and the rightmost choice corresponds to "agree/yes." The three options in the middle correspond to only moderate preferences for each side, the middle option being specifically for "no preference for either side." To aid you in remembering this, "yes" and "no" have been labeled on their corresponding columns and have been colored appropriately.

Scroll down to view your results after submitting.

The following is a list of limiting subconscious beliefs for each type; please choose the appropriate choice for each belief. no yes
#1 If I assert myself I will destroy my relationships.
#2 My presence/participation in the world is unimportant.
#3 To be loved, I must forget myself.
#4 It's best to need little so I'm not dependent on anyone.
#5 To be loved I must be successful, a winner.
#6 It's important to present a winning image.
#7 To be loved I must be loyal and supportive ALL the time.
#8 People need my help.
#9 I require numerous enjoyable outside experiences to feel fulfilled.
#10 I have to take care of others before myself.
#11 I must rely on something (like a religion or belief system) or someone outside myself for security.
#12 The world is a dangerous and threatening place.
#13 To be loved I must be unique, special and distinctive.
#14 The world is imperfect.
#15 Nobody really understands me.
#16 The world would be a better place if people were more principle-centered & acted from their conscience.
#17 Emotional need is equated with weakness.
#18 The world is a hard and unjust place.
#19 To be loved I must demonstrate my competence and knowledge.
#20 My value is dependent on the positive regard of others.
#21 To be loved, I must be strong and self-reliant.
#22 I'll be severely reprimanded if I make mistakes.
#23 Others fit in better than I do.
#24 I'm here to serve others' needs.
#25 Knowledge will keep me safe.
#26 Something better (more exciting, more fun) has to be just around the corner; I just need to keep looking.
#27 To be loved, I must keep myself positive and life "up."
The following is a list of coping strategies for each type, where they focus their attention as a result of their subconscious beliefs; please choose the appropriate choice for each belief. no yes
#28 Putting a positive reframe on negative experiences
#29 Being strong, and forceful if necessary, to gain respect
#30 Work exceptionally hard and compete to be the best
#31 "Mirroring" others (matching mannerisms) in conversation to create wonderful rapport
#32 Overusing imagination to fantasize about ideal situations
#33 Seeking knowledge to explain life and feel safe
#34 Dissociating from threatening events
#35 Question others' intentions; Question authority
#36 Taking control of everything and everyone
#37 "Mismatch," an NLP term meaning I look for and notice what is NOT present in any experience -- what is missing
#38 Moving on to something better when stuck in pain
#39 Tuning in to inner states and feelings to actualize the self
#40 Being ultra-responsible and reliable ("I must..., I ought to..., I should...")
#41 Can be extremely focused and work diligently
#42 Sacrificing your own needs to care for others
#43 Suppressing anger, real feelings and "bad" impulses
#44 Being prepared emotionally for worst case situations
#45 Conserving energy and withdrawing to refuel
#46 Denying any personal vulnerability or weakness
#47 Retreating to the safety of your imagination under stress
#48 Natural Socratic method of questioning to get to truth
#49 Containing your own energy and anger
#50 Giving (praise, affection, compliments, help, etc.) to get (love)
#51 Resilience --' bouncing back quickly after painful incidents
#52 Comparing self to others and judging self and others
#53 Meet challenges by being extremely adaptable -- I adjust my behavior and affect to meet expectations and succeed
#54 Cope with fear by acting strong (or smart) to win support and/or by acting sexy or coquettish to attract support
I have these natural gifts and talents that I take for granted: no yes
#55 The ability to improve myself and my work over time (a commitment to excellence)
#56 The ability to encourage, uplift, inspire and empower people
#57 The ability to build trust with people with my strong sense of loyalty, duty and commitment
#58 The ability to develop myself and my potential to be all I can be
#59 The ability to sell, promote and market myself, my services, and my products
#60 The ability to achieve any goal I set for myself, by working long and hard if necessary
#61 The ability to analyze
#62 The ability to create an ambiance of romance
#63 The ability to mediate conflicts and disagreements between people; to harmonize
#64 The ability to comfort, support and empathize with others
#65 The ability to identify and utilize all available resources at my disposal
#66 The ability to accept and appreciate other people just the way they are
#67 The ability to put myself in someone else's shoes and consider their feelings
#68 The ability to find and correct errors, flaws and omissions that others overlook
#69 The ability to set, plan, organize and achieve goals
#70 The ability to bring out the best in people by challenging them yet believing in them
#71 The ability to listen well and empathize deeply with others
#72 The ability to learn quickly and do many different things well (can be a blessing or a curse)
#73 The ability to network
#74 The ability to be touched deeply by beauty, kindness and love as well as sadness, sorrow and pain
#75 The ability to listen to people patiently, attentively and nonjudgmentally
#76 The ability to use Socratic questioning and scientific methodology
#77 The ability to pull myself up by my own bootstraps
#78 The ability to create and provide stability and security for others
#79 The ability to accumulate enormous amounts of varied information (I'm so curious!)
#80 The ability to speak my mind and inspire others to do the same
#81 The ability to pay careful attention to details
#82 The ability to adapt, accommodate, "go with the flow" and "live-and-let-live"
#83 The ability to ensure the welfare of those I care about
#84 The ability to go and go and go.... until I crash (like the Energizer bunny!)
#85 The ability to work in a fast-paced, unpredictable environment calling for quick thinking/action
#86 The ability to help people relax, see the big picture, and put things in perspective
#87 The ability to console, comfort and support people in times of pain and sorrow
#88 The ability to tune in to my inner states, subconscious feelings and impulses
#89 The ability to notice flaws, discrepancies, inconsistencies, inaccuracies and contradictions
#90 The ability to work steadily and persistently toward my goals without giving up
#91 The ability to stay focused on my dreams, goals and desires and anticipate good things happening for me
#92 The ability to see potential in people and possibilities in situations
#93 The ability to move into focused action when known difficulties/problems arise
#94 The ability to heed my conscience when making decisions
#95 The ability to size people up quickly and figure out their weaknesses
#96 The ability to contemplate deeply, philosophize and understand abstract ideas and concepts
#97 The ability to initiate, lead and take action to succeed
#98 The ability to affirm others and put them at ease
#99 The ability to learn quickly
#100 The ability to produce positive change in the world (with my vision, compassion and strength)
#101 The ability to offer hospitality
#102 The ability to positively reframe any setback/disappointment as a great learning experience
#103 The ability to work hard with steady and persistent effort to achieve goals
#104 The ability to adapt well to sudden changes and shift gears quickly to stay on top of things
#105 The ability to discipline myself, as necessary, to succeed
#106 The ability to bring people together who I know could benefit one another
#107 The ability to sacrifice immediate, personal gratification for the greater good of all
#108 The ability to enforce policies and procedures and speak up against dishonesty/unfairness
#109 The ability to give my word and honor it, come hell or high water!
#110 The ability to read people well and perceive what's not being said
#111 The ability to put people at ease with my even-keeled presence, calmness and patience
#112 The ability to synthesize others' ideas and form my own
#113 The ability to accept/appreciate differences and go with the flow
#114 The ability to listen objectively and non-judgmentally and give unbiased advise
#115 The ability to arouse enthusiasm and excitement in others for my products, services or projects (great for winning supporters, investors or followers)
#116 The ability to see the good in others even when they don't see it in themselves
#117 The ability to beautify any environment
#118 The ability to build trust with people with my strong sense of integrity and hard work ethic
#119 The ability to do precise, meticulous, accurate, high quality work (impeccable workmanship)
#120 The ability to communicate well and get along with all kinds of people (even difficult ones)
#121 The ability to multitask (example: ride lifecycle, watch news, read newspaper (business section first?), and network or do business on the cell phone..... at 5:00 am)
#122 The ability to think logically and analytically (and make decisions that way)
#123 The ability to help people view life from a more universal, metaphysical perspective
#124 The ability to empathize with people and console and reassure them
#125 The ability to empower and encourage others to be strong and take charge of their life
#126 The ability to entertain others and make people laugh
#127 The ability to help other types get in touch with their deeper feelings
#128 The ability to take control of a bad situation (a failing business or government, for example) and turn it around
#129 The ability to network, communicate and interact well in interpersonal/social situations
#130 The ability to focus and concentrate deeply on projects that interest me
#131 The ability to follow rules, procedures and policies (as long as they are fair and ethical!)
#132 The ability to prioritize and manage my time well so that I can be efficient and productive
#133 The ability to invent new theories, models or systems to solve problems
#134 The ability to build rapport and trust with anyone by being genuinely interested in them
#135 The ability to protect people and create security and stability for them
#136 The ability to quickly understand computers and technology
#137 The ability to accept enormous responsibility and solve difficult problems
#138 The ability to keep on top of things
#139 The ability to pick up the feelings of people around me (because of my emotional sensitivity)
#140 The ability to synthesize other peoples' ideas and present my own original ones
#141 The ability to synthesize vast amounts of information
#142 The ability to look for and find meaning in every experience, especially the painful ones
#143 The ability to look for the positive in any situation
#144 The ability to bring people together
The following is a list of statements taken from each subtype description. Please choose the appropriate choice for each item. no yes
#145 Often struggle in your relationships because you are so private, independent and emotionally detached
#146 Can feel incapable of meeting the same standards that others in the group are capable of meeting and fear that your defectiveness will eventually be found out and you will be rejected by the group
#147 Help other people feel happy by sharing your deep gratitude and enjoyment of life
#148 Critically and obsessively compare yourself to others
#149 Are goal-oriented, hard-working and energetic
#150 Can be excellent at investing money and creating stability/security for yourself and loved ones
#151 Take criticism very personally
#152 Like to be the center of attention, the head honcho, the big cheese
#153 Can be extremely suspicious and fear betrayal
#154 Maintain order and comfort for everyone in your home
#155 The positive energy of group involvement invigorates and enlivens you
#156 Want to be liked and approved of by everyone
#157 Do whatever it takes to "win over" people, especially a romantic interest (won't take no for an answer)
#158 Inner tension between wanting privacy/alone time vs. wanting intense, intimate connection with partner
#159 Hold people to exacting standards
#160 Public image is all important
#161 Can express your feelings especially well nonverbally, through your sensuality and sexuality
#162 Are sociable, generous, friendly and extremely honorable with those you love
#163 Your underlying fear is that you won't be able to take care of yourself, won't have the inner resources, capability, power or life skills to manage if something goes wrong
#164 For all your bravado, you actually have a deep fear of rejection which is why you feel the need to possess and control your partner in the first place
#165 Insecure, possessive and jealous (strong fear of abandonment)
#166 At worst, can be voyeuristic, kinky, sexually perverted and/or isolate yourself from society
#167 Can get scattered, over-extended and over-committed
#168 Can be aware of group expectations but have enough self-esteem to do what's best for yourself
#169 Pain arises when your partner doesn't take an interest in you or your repressed, unmet needs/desires
#170 Have a lust for power and quickly notice who else has power when you are among a group of people
#171 Want desperately to be perfect and ideal in every way but can't play the different roles simultaneously
#172 Like time alone. Can be balanced with regard to own needs vs. others' needs
#173 Want to know everything about your partner -- body, mind and soul; no secret is too sacred
#174 Feel most alive when tempting fate; can lead to crisis situations
#175 Can have fixated beliefs and paranoia about anyone who is not in alignment with your beliefs
#176 Indecisive and ambivalent because of your inner anxiety
#177 Would make a great teacher, mathematician, scientist, consultant or computer programmer
#178 Try to avoid the meaninglessness of a mundane existence by living on the edge and taking risks
#179 Warm, friendly, pleasant, easy-going and considerate yet also dynamic and alive to yourself
#180 Healthy reformer qualities
#181 Can engage with people deeply, authentically and passionately
#182 Can focus intently on work or a cause you believe in wholeheartedly
#183 Charismatic and charming; outgoing and personable
#184 Some choose work that helps others become more attractive
#185 Can't ask for what you need
#186 Are resilient; you can reframe disappointments and look to future possibilities for happiness
#187 Like going to seminars, conferences and meetings to learn new knowledge and meet like-minded people
#188 An honest fight/argument that brings out the truth allows you to feel closer to your partner
#189 Desire to uphold and enforce rules for the good of all
#190 You think the threat is "out there" so you take on a strong persona to match any perceived threat
#191 Embody the "life of the party" type who gets drunk and disorderly, especially when young and single
#192 At worst, you can be obsessively paranoid and depressive
#193 Cultivate whatever qualities valued others find appealing and desirable
#194 Like to be in high-profile positions; desire fame
#195 Often very loyal to family and friends; enjoy nurturing and caring for your own
#196 Go after what you want
#197 Extremely accepting of other people's individuality and right to express themselves
#198 Are very loyal, dutiful and devoted to the people in your clan and work tirelessly on their behalf
#199 Can have unrealistically high expectations of their partner to fit their ideal fantasy of a mate
#200 Are self-reliant and independent
#201 You hate your partner making demands of you and will often be stubborn as a mule, or withdraw silently, or go along with the request outwardly to avoid conflict but inwardly be annoyed/mad
#202 Are extremely loyal to and protective of people you care about
#203 Can get anxious and panicky when you think about losing your freedom
#204 Health conscious (exercise regularly, eat well, etc.)
#205 Continually learning and into self-improvement
#206 Have a wide-ranging curiosity and are likely multitalented
#207 Want success but worry about feeling overwhelmed and overstressed by too much responsibility
#208 Can also be creative (somewhat like 4s) since you have a rich imagination and an eye for beauty
#209 Like to be spontaneous but also like planning so that you can do as much as possible with your time
#210 Your love life can be tempestuous, dramatic, turbulent, stormy, etc. --' you can reject/disdain your partner by focusing on the flaws but then miss the great qualities and want him/her back
#211 Usually are good at debating, analyzing, critiquing, investigating, researching, conceptualizing, etc.
#212 Self-inhibited, repress your own wants/needs (and resent others for it)
#213 Often will stay on the periphery or the fringe of group involvement so you don't have to fully commit
#214 May even take credit for others' work and/or exaggerate their success/fame/wealth
#215 If you feel misunderstood or rejected in any way you can become quite emotionally distant
#216 Acts of service is one of your "love languages"
#217 Like to expose wrong-doing; willing to speak up and speak out
#218 Strong fears of rejection and abandonment; you have serious doubts about your desirability
#219 Underlying feelings of scarcity cause you to withdraw into privacy
#220 Can't stand being in confined places (like an elevator, crawl space) or confined by a relationship or job
#221 Get disappointed when your partner doesn't share the same zest for fun and adventure in life as you do
#222 Can have a very difficult time letting go of a relationship once it is over
#223 Set personal goals regularly and don't sweep problems under the rug
#224 Excellent at pointing out angles, perspectives or viewpoints that others had not considered
#225 Can be seductive without even meaning to be
#226 Like to help others with their material and physical needs
#227 Tend to be a good conversationalist and advice giver
#228 Workaholism and strong identification with their work
#229 Skilled at one-to-one relating because you are authentic and real rather than pretentious
#230 Turn on the charm and seductively focus on pleasing and lavishing attention on significant others
#231 You (especially if you were a woman) play up your attractiveness as a way of attracting a partner
#232 Get along well with individuals and groups that are very different from each other
#233 Witty and very genuine
#234 Neglect primary needs (spiritual) -- go for secondary gratifications (material) as compensation for not pursuing your real desires, but not without some repressed underlying anxiety and anger
#235 Child-like fear of not being able to make it on their own
#236 Supportive and forgiving
#237 You like to get involved in groups that further social causes
#238 You foster a sense of unity and deep connection with people you are close to (like your partner, parents, children, friends, pets, etc.), and for some your spiritual teacher or even All That Is
#239 Self-reliant and independent
#240 You can occasionally act counterphobic and rebel against an untrustworthy authority figure
#241 Can be stubborn and/or withdrawn, especially if someone is being demanding, bossy or rude
#242 Keep a full social calendar but have contingency/back up plans just in case something falls through
#243 Group involvement helps you to structure the use of your time better
#244 Enjoy letting loose, having a good time and hosting lavish social events for your friends
#245 Responsible, loyal and committed, you stand by your friends and those you love
#246 Often drawn to politics and/or journalism
#247 Can speak up for yourself and don't allow yourself to be overworked and underappreciated
#248 Keep up with what is going on in their community
#249 Work long hours to preserve their security and mitigate anxiety
#250 Know how to get close to and intimate with people
#251 Repress and stuff their feelings
#252 Since you can feel lost without a partner, you believe you find your personal identity by merging your life with your partner's; "my life" becomes "our life," but at the cost of my independence
#253 Excellent material providers for your family and yourself; can be generous and big-hearted
#254 It is easy for you to "lose yourself" in your partner because tension dissolves when you do
#255 Black and white thinking can cause you to hold grudges against people for small disagreements
#256 At worst, can be highly self-critical, antisocial and depressed, living with your shame in isolation
#257 You may like a more withdrawn type of partner that you can mold
#258 Can sometimes use food for emotional consolation or to mindlessly numb out
#259 Are passionate about life
#260 Choose a safe career rather than risk doing what you love
#261 Withdraw into your lair because you easily feel drained by being around people too much
#262 Keep yourself physically strong and/or physically attractive
#263 Can have difficulty with social chit-chat and small talk, unless talking about your field
#264 Minor discomforts can seem unbearable --' room temp. too hot or cold, lighting to bright or dim, etc.
#265 Responsible, willing to make sacrifices, detail-oriented, thrifty
#266 Often are a high achiever who participates in social causes; have unique talents and gifts to share
#267 Can be a hypochondriac
#268 Able to be extremely open-hearted, compassionate and loving toward all sentient beings
#269 You're very protective -- of yourself, your loved ones, your possessions, your friends, and others in need
#270 Enjoy sharing secrets with your partner and trusted allies and are excellent at keeping secrets too
#271 Can zone out mentally and disengage emotionally while still remaining physically present/involved
#272 Know what you want out of life and don't get pulled off course by other people's agendas and desires
#273 Good at planning everything out
#274 Are likely a workaholic because independence and security are extremely important to you
#275 Can fall in and out of love often, trying your best to avoid a boring life
#276 Are capable of bringing passion, intensity and excitement to your intimate relationship
#277 With your great intuition, can have excellent social skills, social sensitivities and great manners
#278 You may like symbols of success -- fancy car, nice big house, etc.
#279 Have a large circle of friends that you share interests, activities and enthusiasms with
#280 Give their time, energy and even money to improve conditions for people and/or the world
#281 Can be self-righteous
#282 Your fear of material deprivation can cause a preoccupation with wanting comfort, especially at home
#283 Careful with money and possessions, don't risk them foolishly chasing a pipedream
#284 Give their time, energy and even money to improve conditions for people and/or the world
#285 Strong emphasis on fidelity
#286 Fear of scarcity
#287 Polite and diplomatic; self-confident and ambitious
#288 Too intense for others
#289 Can be self-deprecating as a way to fit in and deflect their inner feelings of envy and defectiveness
#290 You are easily influenced by the people around you, so you like to make people happy so that you can stay happy (and avoid any kind of conflict)
#291 Can be haughty, snobbish, intellectually arrogant and condescending toward "inferior-minded" people
#292 Consider your home as somewhat like a castle, island, fortress or barrier of safety to protect yourself against the dangers of the outside world
#293 Get anxious when anything interferes with or disturbs your enjoyable rituals
#294 Can avoid groups and organizations altogether while still caring about your social position and how you are seen by society
#295 Can be ingratiating and flattering to win other people's affections (and ensure your survival)
#296 At worst, you are irresponsible, rebellious, seek constant variety and get involved with the wrong crowd
#297 Ambitious
#298 Feel the need to prove yourself as anxiety about your social worth increases
#299 Intuitively know the needs and interests of others
#300 Fear being rejected
#301 Keep physically fit and healthy
#302 Responsible and security conscious
#303 Can be idealistic, sacrificing for a cause you believe in that serves something beyond just yourself
#304 Ambitious and hard working
#305 Look to trusted others for reassurance and protection rather than to yourself
#306 Want to make sure you always have what you need and aren't deprived, limited or constricted
The following questions are optional, but recommended. Please answer truthfully.
Sex: male female other
Gender: male female other
What Myers-Briggs type do you identify as?
What Enneagram type do you identify as?
Any additional comments?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
most likely enneagram type
(with wing)
possible instinctual variant stacking

type 1self-preservation0 sexual0 social0
type 2self-preservation0 sexual0 social0
type 3self-preservation0 sexual0 social0
type 4self-preservation0 sexual0 social0
type 5self-preservation0 sexual0 social0
type 6self-preservation0 sexual0 social0
type 7self-preservation0 sexual0 social0
type 8self-preservation0 sexual0 social0
type 9self-preservation0 sexual0 social0