sakinorva enneagram test

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Translating is not yet available for this test, but please watch for any new information posted here in the coming days.

This test is composed of two parts. The first part is 108 items long. These items are groups of two to three adjectives. The second part will be approximately 45 questions long and depends on your answers on the first part. These items are one to two word adjectives. Results will include a visual diagram of your raw scores, followed by your best-fit core type, your wing, your instinctual variants, any significant integration patterns, and your joined triple type. A Myers-Briggs guesstimation formula is in the works and will be added soon—fingers crossed!

How to take the test: Notice that there are four bubbles to choose from underneath each question. The leftmost option (colored gray) stands for "does not apply to me". The rightmost option (colored saturated green) stands for "completely applies to me." The two options in the middle exist to adjust your position between the two options at the end. When you're finished with this page, click the "advance to next page" button. You'll be able to submit your results on the next page.

Part I

Directions. Select any group of adjectives that you feel describes you. Pay close attention to the concepts linking the words together, not just the words themselves.

#1 adjuring, beseeching, entreating
#2 pleasing, welcoming, inviting
#3 participating, accompanying, following
#4 laying back, relaxing, snoozing
#5 structuring, defining, delineating
#6 shining, glowing, gleaming
#7 enticing, fascinating, attracting
#8 focusing, concentrating, persevering
#9 securing, anchoring
#10 reworking, synthesizing, envisioning
#11 socializing, connecting, social networking
#12 connecting, networking, winning over
#13 broadening, tossing around, annihilating
#14 mixing, combining, melding
#15 selling, promoting, publicizing
#16 filling, fulfilling, satisfying
#17 celebrating, enjoying
#18 routinizing, habituating, puttering
#19 toughening, outlasting, uncompromising
#20 striving, grinding out
#21 dramatizing, intensifying
#22 ordaining, decreeing, consecrating
#23 regulating, governing, regulating
#24 storing, hoarding, territorializing
#25 arriving, succeeding, materializing
#26 mystifying, curiosifying
#27 observing, seeing, watching
#28 liberalizing, leaping over
#29 non-conforming, disobeying
#30 satiating, securing, providing
#31 radiating, starring, beaming
#32 standing, withstanding, surviving
#33 confiding, penetrating
#34 leading, cooperating
#35 stimulating, expanding
#36 flirting, romancing, tempting
#37 arguing, objecting, critiquing
#38 inhibiting, confining, restraining
#39 accumulating, collecting, dabbling
#40 truth-telling, speaking out
#41 anchoring, mentalizing
#42 analyzing, dissecting, uncovering
#43 waiting, longing
#44 systematizing, rule-making, law-making
#45 honoring, upholding, forgiving
#46 understanding, pondering, reflecting
#47 conforming, obeying, following
#48 mediating, peacemaking, pacifying
#49 evaluating, judging
#50 opposing, competing, beating
#51 pursuing, stalking
#52 deepening, self-abandoning
#53 interpreting, translating, explaining
#54 minimizing, withdrawing, retiring
#55 identifying, melding
#56 patterning, speculating, projecting
#57 defining, discriminating, pinpointing
#58 entertaining, connecting
#59 mocking, belittling, eradicating
#60 desisting, separating, detaching
#61 idealizing, romanticizing
#62 surveying, investigating
#63 impassioning, intensifying, pressurizing
#64 synthesizing, systematizing
#65 dreaming, wishing, blanking out
#66 supporting, affirming, appreciating
#67 fostering, defending, nurturing
#68 roughhousing, toughing it out
#69 organizing, arranging, facilitating
#70 accepting, being receptive
#71 whistling, wandering, surfing
#72 enculturating, rarifying
#73 triumphing, magnetizing, hypnotizing
#74 weaving, synthesizing, forming
#75 whirling, juggling, spiraling
#76 dominating, commanding, influencing
#77 dominating, submitting, overwhelming
#78 bullying, forcing, manhandling
#79 eating, drinking, shopping
#80 fitting in, settling in, harmonizing
#81 supporting, respecting, saluting
#82 self-promoting, self-packaging
#83 caring, loving, encouraging
#84 aspiring, leap-frogging
#85 jumping, leaping, flying
#86 palling around, hanging out
#87 deferring, respecting
#88 luring, entrancing
#89 parenting, feeding, nursing
#90 laboring, civilizing, taming
#91 beautifying, decorating, ornamenting
#92 inspiring, energizing
#93 stepping back, disappearing, letting go
#94 upholding, serving, retaining
#95 defending, resisting, reacting
#96 identifying, bonding, mate affirming
#97 possessing, obsessing, holding
#98 spying, sleuthing, surveilling
#99 taking, seizing
#100 conserving, refraining, restraining
#101 torching, destroying, annihilating
#102 self-abdicating, self-dissolving
#103 ensuring, affirming, confirming
#104 working, undertaking
#105 wondering, imagining
#106 fearing, cautioning
#107 boosting, pushing, promoting
#108 playing, dancing, surfing