core | votes | translations

You greatly value social harmony and often go out of your way to maintain it.

values, votes and general comments

strongly disagreedisagreeneutralagreestrongly agree
Ne 0 Se 0 Te 0 Fe 1
Ni 0 Si 0 Ti 0 Fi 0

strawberry crisis on 2020/05/06 (Wednesday) 00:28:29 voted:
ne0 (0)ni0 (0)se0 (0)si0 (0)te0 (0)ti0 (0)fe1 (1)fi0 (0)
e0.4 (0.4)i-0.4 (-0.4)n-0.2 (-0.2)s0.2 (0.2)f5 (5)t0 (0)p0 (0)j0.2 (0.2)


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Oleksa24 commented in uk on 2024/02/23 (Friday) 05:27:57:

Соціальна гармонія для вас дуже важлива та ви зазвичай докладаєте зусиль для її підтримання

Żaneta Bielecka commented in pl on 2020/07/08 (Wednesday) 10:42:35:

Cenisz harmonię w grupie i robisz wszystko, co w twojej mocy, aby ją utrzymać.

Vendrah commented in pt on 2020/06/12 (Friday) 13:13:39:

Você valoriza bastante a harmônia social e frequentemente se esforça para mantê-la.

Ceren Güngör,Gülizar Baki,Simon Petrikov commented in tr on 2020/05/19 (Tuesday) 14:11:36:

Sosyal uyuma oldukça önem veriyor ve bunu korumak için sık sık yolunuzdan çıkıyorsunuz.