core | votes | translations 1

You imagine things that aren't directly connected to the real world.

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strongly disagreedisagreeneutralagreestrongly agree
Ne 0 Se 0 Te 0 Fe 0
Ni 1 Si 0 Ti 0 Fi 0

strawberry crisis on 2020/05/06 (Wednesday) 00:14:51 voted:
ne0 (0)ni1 (1)se0 (0)si0 (0)te0 (0)ti0 (0)fe0 (0)fi0 (0)
e-1 (-1)i1.4 (1.4)n0.6 (0.6)s-0.6 (-0.6)f0 (0)t0 (0)p0 (0)j0 (0)


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Oleksa24 commented in uk on 2024/02/23 (Friday) 05:03:37:

Те, що ви зазвичай уявляєте, не є напряму пов'язаним з реальним світом

Żaneta Bielecka commented in pl on 2020/07/08 (Wednesday) 10:02:24:

Wyobrażasz sobie rzeczy, które nie są bezpośrednio związane ze światem rzeczywistym.

Vendrah commented in pt on 2020/06/12 (Friday) 12:34:56:

Você imagina coisas que não são diretamente relacionadas com o mundo real.

On 2020/06/07 (Sunday) 13:53:18, strawberry crisis approved Gerçek dünyayla doğrudan ilişkili olmayan şeyleri hayal ediyorsunuz. as a translation in tr.

Ceren Güngör,Gülizar Baki,Simon Petrikov commented in tr on 2020/05/19 (Tuesday) 14:03:48:

Gerçek dünyayla doğrudan ilişkili olmayan şeyleri hayal ediyorsunuz.