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Killua Zoldyck

Hunter x Hunter

in Comics

Killua Zoldyck ~ Sakinorva Databank

Killua Zoldyck

Hunter x Hunter

7w8 5
6w5 4
5w4 1
cp7w6 1
6w7 1
sx/sp 3
sp/sx 1
234 567 891

total votes 47







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2018/07/05 (Thu) 23:29:39


He's sorta anti sp basically starting right when he fixes the needle problem. The thing is, would you see yourself taking the risks he does? Gon makes everyone look more sp by comparison but that doesn't mean Killua is sp at all really. Although he's probably less so because he doesn't seem to care about group dynamics at all, and even his family rebellion can be seen as so-blind. Thus sx/sp makes the most sense for him.

I don't know exactly where it is but he basically says he will take on the whole military and doesn't care, then he goes straight into Ikalgo's trap because he also doesn't care. His Election Arc behavior is literally putting his life on the line constantly,. It's like the concept of risk barely registers for him.

I feel like 6 protectiveness in theory, is that you protect each other to create a sort of social safety net where you all back each other up. Killua seems more like an 8 kind of protective post-needle where he desires to be independent and only defend people on his own terms when he wants to, and people who aren't actually giving him any protection in return (Alluka). This behavior seems both anti-6 and anti-sp, but I do think 7w8 sx/sp overall fits him well. It's only the people who he wants close bonds with that he really cares about protecting and then he goes all out, but expecting nothing in return (Gon and Alluka being the prime examples).

I agree with straw's "dependency" comment

Editing post #1864 by edza

Replying to post #1864 by edza

Teru Mikami

2018/07/05 (Thu) 12:10:40


I don't see how he's "anti-sp" as he's usually making sure things will run smoothly and everyone's safe, and what I remember from his interaction (which also holds me back from typing him a 7) is that he tends to scare people off a lot more than he's some sort of lively happy kid like Gon, and he only is like that around Gon (maybe he looks to Gon for stability?) but it's been a while since I watched it too

Editing post #1852 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1852 by Teru Mikami

strawberry crisis



2018/07/05 (Thu) 12:03:27


The one thing that holds me back from typing him a 6 is that I can’t really make out a “dependency” in him between his anti-sp nature and how he treats and lives among people. I’ll keep 7w6 for now but I wish I remembered more 

Editing post #1851 by strawberry crisis

Replying to post #1851 by strawberry crisis

Teru Mikami

2018/07/05 (Thu) 11:56:45


Something to keep in mind is that the only thing the needle did was "make him run from battles he wasn't sure he could win". He wasn't turned into some zombie and stayed the same afterwards, only without the cool purple scenes symbolizing his insecurity. Don't know why you guys are acting like he completely changes somewhere along the story, he really didn't.

Editing post #1849 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1849 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/05 (Thu) 11:54:20


Are you saying that he's not a 6 because he removed the needle?

Editing post #1848 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1848 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

strawberry crisis



2018/07/05 (Thu) 11:52:05


Yeah gosh I think if you strip his character down the right way his 6 side wasn’t necessarily a part of him as much as it was an impediment and typing him 7w6 plays with two different aspects of who he is, one being him as it would relate to his actual type and the other being a blockage placed by someone else. Stripped away, I do think it makes sense that he demonstrates more 8 than 6. He’s been alone all his life (even though he does gravitate toward people when left on his own) and that attitude does imbue a more 8 outlook in how he wants to protect Gon than a 6 one. You could type him a 7w8 based on who he is but maybe? a 6w7 with those impediments in place... but I do think it’s a bit odd to assign that an Enneagram type when it wasn’t really his own volition acting in that way.

edit: I think even though he didn’t necessaeily mention breaking out of his family because he couldn’t make friends, it’s implied that what he was restricted from was making friends and it’s something he did fairly easily once he deemed them “worthy” in a sense... he does move toward people because I think he’d be bored without them? It’s more speculative but he’s interactive for the sake of stimulation rather than showing actual gregariousness, and I feel like that would land him on the weaker side of extraversion rather than the weaker side of introversion specifically with how he demonstrates it.

Editing post #1847 by strawberry crisis

Replying to post #1847 by strawberry crisis

Teru Mikami

2018/07/05 (Thu) 11:46:54


My argument was that I don't think you have to remove his background but rather the position in the story. After all, enneagram is about motivations, fears and desires, and Killua's entire character is about struggling with anxiety, cautiousness and trust. Anyways,

He was never even said to have "broken out of his family" because he specifically wasn't allowed to have friends, he broke out because they were overly restricting and he "didn't want his entire life planned out for him". I think he's too withdrawn and not "people-oriented" enough for an E type, which in the end is what you should look at

Denying 100 episodes is ridiculous, he didn't have an entire character makeover, he just trusted himself more afterwards. Don't wanna go to deep but you could also look at the needle as symbolizing something in relation to his character, whatever you can make of that. After all, it's a fictional story, he doesn't change that much either, he just becomes confident in himself, as a healthy 6 would.

Lots of 5s think they're "too analytical" and want to get out of their heads, what you should look at isn't whether or not he wants to do it but if he does it, you're not gonna type someone who spends all day thinking cripplingly afraid of engagement a 7 because they don't want to do it

"He's also a weak extravert" arguments?


"Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. At their Best: internally stable and self-reliant, courageously championing themselves and others."

He is defined as all of these on the wiki

Editing post #1846 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1846 by Teru Mikami

Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys



2018/07/05 (Thu) 11:42:43


How about we type him by what he is rather than what he was or how you think he should act? 

Editing post #1845 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys

Replying to post #1845 by Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys





2018/07/05 (Thu) 11:17:25


I feel like you have to try to remove his background, training, and (Illumi thing) from him as best as you can when you try to type him.

For example:

"He only has a few friends" - he was trained to only want to kill and to not have friends. This is actually a motivator for him breaking OUT of his family. If anything his attitude toward friendship is one of an extravert.

It isn't until we start reaching the 1xx episodes that he's physically really able to "be himself"

As for his supposed 6 qualities, being focused on defending his friends, I don't think he does it in a particularly 6 way because from what I remember he always looks at his very close relationship with Gon as temporary and does not seek to stabilize it. He's fine taking things day by day. And the "6 needle" isn't actually him so we can kind of ignore his occasional cautiousness in the earlier episodes.

Also, while very adept at it, he sort of wants to escape having to rely on highly analytical methods. If anything that should be an aversion to 5.

I think both his 7 and 8 are stronger than his 6 and 5, and he is sx first, showing very weak sp when his mind is free. He's also a weak extravert.

re: 8 qualities: hates being controlled, basically acts like he's invincible once free, 8's are also protective but more on their own terms... not enough for a core but I do think it surpasses 6 making him 7w8

Editing post #1844 by edza

Replying to post #1844 by edza

Teru Mikami

2018/07/05 (Thu) 10:54:31


You're actually right, and his playful attitude towards a lot of the fighting that goes on also makes me think he leans more 7, but I think his distrustful and loyal attitude outweigh the rest in terms of enneagram (also even mentioned on the wiki). I'd be careful with typing him a 7 simply because of his avoidance of his duties, after all he is an NP so it's understandable he's very "open to experience" and wants to assert his individuality more than most other 6s (the stereotypical SJ "family loyalist" for example). I think saying he's "supposed to be the 7" is molding him to fit into the story, which can be done the other way around too with the needle his brother put in the back of his head making him fearful, run away from stronger opponents and submit to his family, which when removed made him confident in his abilities and able to think clearly in tough spots.


I also have trouble placing him as an E, he has only a single friend (grew up with none), isn't "outgoing" or people-oriented and seems to prefer a more "withdrawn" approach where he tries to read others' intentions and figure out what's going on before he says or does anything (also why I thought w5). 


All in all, here's another exerpt from the wiki which makes him a 6 for me:

Conflicting with Killua's predisposal to kill is his unyielding loyalty to his friends and natural kindness. He claims Gon was his first friend, and he grows progressively more attached to him as time passes. Killua often suffers immensely in his attempts to help his friends without a single complaint. He puts others before himself without being concerned about his own health or even his life. Until recently, Killua's greatest flaw was his fear of those seemingly more powerful than him (one of whom being his elder brother, Illumi). Killua had been trained as an assassin by his brother to be extremely cautious and that he only engages in combat provided that victory is absolutely certain. This impeded him as a Hunter, as Biscuit stated more than once that victory is never certain, and that depending on the circumstances, a person has the potential to defeat a stronger opponent.

Editing post #1842 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1842 by Teru Mikami

strawberry crisis



2018/07/05 (Thu) 10:10:56


I don’t really see why a 7 couldn’t be that way too? He wants to learn things, but I can’t see how that connects back to 5 in him. He can desire to be powerful, intelligent, and well-informed without being a 5, because the desire in him that relates to the Enneagram in him seems more clearly aligned with that of type 7. 5s are inherently focused in that they want to become an expert in their field, and Killua is someone who lacks that focus and ends up being much more scattered.


This isn’t really a “my perception of Killua’s character” thing either. The Wikia page for him starts off with this quote and later describes him in a way that I would never imagine typing as a 5 either:

 “I'm so tired of killing... I just want to be a kid. Hanging out, doing stuff with Gon. That's it.”

Editing post #1841 by strawberry crisis

Replying to post #1841 by strawberry crisis

strawberry crisis



2018/07/05 (Thu) 09:56:42


I don’t really see why his arrogance and sureness of his own ability should translate to 5, though. He is no way focused on information gathering and I don’t think he’s focused at all on wanting to be “competent” as much as he is on just looking for pure excitement. Is he even focused to begin with? He’s cheerful, quick-witted, mischievous, and fun-loving—where does 5 really come in?

Editing post #1839 by strawberry crisis

Replying to post #1839 by strawberry crisis

strawberry crisis



2018/07/05 (Thu) 09:47:37


I actually like 6 as a typing for him a lot—it’s much much closer than 5 imo. I think if he had to be a 6 though, he would be a 6w7. I remember the Hunter Exam arc heavily revolving around Killua’s need for freedom and chasing fun things to do to run away from his role in the family as an assassin, and I think in the context of everything about his early childhood, he was “meant” to grow up as a 7 and that the 6 side to him was more secondary, hence why he’s able to literally pull out the needle at some point in the story. I think 7w6 works better than 6w7 or anything else even though in practice, his behavior seems atypical of one.

Editing post #1837 by strawberry crisis

Replying to post #1837 by strawberry crisis

Teru Mikami

2018/07/05 (Thu) 06:20:05


His main motivation throughout the entire series was always protecting his one friend Gon, he's wary of every stranger he meets and constantly tries to see what's going on behind the curtains, there's even a story arc dedicated to his fear and anxiety, I think he's a pretty clear-cut 6

Editing post #1829 by Teru Mikami

Replying to post #1829 by Teru Mikami

22/07/15 19:31rock and roll INTP
22/03/22 04:05GIJOEBusta Cap INTP
21/08/18 12:41Lawless ISTP
20/04/03 15:12Thyssen NTP
19/04/16 18:36tman ISTP
19/03/29 01:54periwinkle INTP
19/01/10 19:46Ryugan INTP
19/01/03 19:29TheMemphis ENTP
18/11/18 13:08tch ENTP
18/11/07 14:45twinpinks ENTP
18/09/30 01:04strawberryfields INFP
18/07/05 11:21edza ENTP
18/07/05 10:04fg ENTP
18/11/07 15:31strawberry crisis ENTP
18/05/14 05:46Teru Mikami INTP
22/07/15 19:31rock and roll INTP
22/07/15 19:29GIJOEBusta Cap INTP
21/08/18 12:41Lawless ISTP
20/04/03 15:12Thyssen ENTP
19/04/10 14:39tch ENTP
18/09/14 09:35Teru Mikami INTP
18/07/05 10:05fg ENTP
22/07/24 04:37Woll Smoth 6w7
22/07/15 19:31rock and roll 6w5
22/07/15 19:30GIJOEBusta Cap 6w5
21/08/18 12:41Lawless 7w8
19/03/29 01:54periwinkle cp7w6
19/01/10 19:46Ryugan 5w4
18/09/30 01:15strawberryfields 7w8
18/07/05 11:41fg 7w8
18/07/05 11:36edza 7w8
18/07/05 10:13Dollar Shave Club One Wipe Scottys 6w5
18/11/07 15:29strawberry crisis 7w8
18/09/14 09:35Teru Mikami 6w5
22/03/22 04:05GIJOEBusta Cap sx/sp
19/03/29 01:54periwinkle sx/sp
18/09/30 01:07strawberryfields sx/sp
18/05/14 05:38Teru Mikami sp/sx
19/03/29 01:56periwinkle 478
18/11/02 16:58Ryugan 458
18/09/14 09:36Teru Mikami 684
22/07/15 19:31rock and roll ILE
22/03/22 04:05GIJOEBusta Cap ILE
20/04/03 15:12Thyssen ILE
19/04/16 18:36tman SLI
19/03/29 01:55periwinkle ILI
18/09/14 09:36Teru Mikami ILE