strawberry theses

"infj is the most thinking feeler"

If you really are an INFJ 5w4, then I would imagine you're probably also not very F nor J. 5w4 wouldn't be a common Enneagram type at all for people who are very I, N, F, and J INFJs who do have distinct F and J preferences would likely identify with other Enneagram types, like 1 (J, less F), 6 or 9 (F, not J), over 5 or even 4 with less emphasis on I and N. It would just be really weird for a strong FJ-leaning INFJ to identify with a type from another system that's very TP in nature.

It's not really possible to pick out certain feeler types that seem more thinker-like compared to others without  further extrapolation. Assuming we're being inflexible with how F or T a type is (ENFP and INFJ are both "F," so we'll assume the marginal preferences are the "same" in that both types aren't really given a visible distinction of how F or T they are. In other words, we're also not going to assume that "F" represents a certain fixed, quantifiable preference over "T," but rather that a preference for "F" itself in T/F will be removed from the equation; ENFP and INFJ would therefore just be ENP and INJ feeler types), the next thing we would look at is how the other preferences reflect how feeling or thinking someone is.

A very important concept to think about here is the idea of focused preferences, where certain preferences are prioritized over others regardless of how they fall on a numerical scale as quantified by tests. If you're 80/20 E over I but only 60/40 T/F on a hypothetical Myers-Briggs test where each preference dimension (like T/F) is scored using 10 equally weighted questions, it doesn't necessarily mean that you as a person actually identify all that much with being an extravert compared to anything else you'd take away from your results. If your personality revolves around your responses to the T/F scale that resulted in 60/40, then there are specific things the T/F questions ask for that you may becertain about butnot necessarily certain in the same direction as scored by T/F.

Now bearing that concept in mind, I do believe we can infer how focused people of certain personality types tend to be even though these types do not directly take such a thing into account and show you how you fall along the "line of priority." It would definitely be a case-by-case thing, but the preferences do lean a certain way here simply because certain combinations of preferences describe personalities on a general scale better than others. If you can see that NP and SJ tap into very similar concepts when grouped together, you may realize that being NJ or SP is contradictory to an extent that you wouldn't imagine there are very many people who are simultaneously strong with both preferences—and not contradictory in the "human" way but rather in a theoretical fashion (the "human" kind of contradiction is I think why people in typology have such a distaste for "the dichotomies").

But again, by applying a similar kind of flexibility to our own example, certain types end up being more focused with its preference for feeling or thinking and its lack thereof. Let's imagine the NJ/SP contradiction again. I think with that in mind, it should maybe become increasingly clear that the types that are not T/F focused are NPs and SJs but not necessarily that NJs and SPs are T/F focused. There is a heavier emphasis on being more N(P)-leaning among NPs and consequently being more S(J)-leaning among SJs; these (eight) types will I think have much more emphasis (or focus) on the second dimension, N/S. An interesting thing to think about, though, is also how being T/F itself may be closer to an S way of looking at things—having a strong and fixed T/F preference is a more "stagnant" or "decided" way of reacting to the world around you that would definitely lean more S and J than N and P.

NJs and SPs I don't think have a particular inclination for being T/F, but it does seem more likely that they would have heavier preferences for it since there is a "breaking apart" of two almost singular concepts—NP and SJ—in the second dimension, which implies that T/F may generally be more focused. It's not a rule or anything, though, since it's 100% possible to not have any focus in the preferences at all, hence I think why so many people can score so wildly differently in a not-so-time-distant retest.

So I think in order to be T/F focused, you would have to be more J-inclined than not (as well as S, but less so I think since T/F seems more like a method spawned from a worldview instead of a thing that deals with the worldview itself). The opposite I think applies too, but I think there's a heavier pull on N going along with P since focusing on T/F moves away from N. The awkward thing here is that N/S can genuinely be gauged in an "S is a lack of N" kind of way while T/F sort of can't since it's a little bit of a false dichotomy where "the lack of T does not mean F" and vice versa, which is why we can't really polarize and assume that an inverse statement is true.

The reason so many FJs relate to being "Fe" is because J goes into being F in a way that P does not, hence why Fi can often be described as "self-centered" or "selfish" or "individualistic," which are all more P in nature… so also why FPs were given Fi instead of FJs in the stack. It's like real MBTI concepts and extrapolations got simplified into generalizations people could easily wrap their heads around.

I would also say introversion and extraversion does play a bit of a part here too since I think introverts in general are just more focused (not focused in the same way I described earlier) in a way that might somewhat coincide with that inclination toward being focused on T/F, but certainly not in any significant way I would imagine.

All in all, I think it boils down this way for least focused on T/F types: NP > SP >= SJ > NJ

Whether or not all of this relates to being "mistyped as a thinker" is up to you (I would say it happens if you have a weaker T/F preference), but I do think the "thinkiest feeler" would be ENFP, followed by INFP, then ESFP, then ISFP, then ESFJ, then ISFJ, then ENFJ… and finally, INFJ.

lily ives gossamer